Papal Foundation Pilgrimage in Washington DC
We had a truly amazing Washington, DC Gathering for Stewards December 8-10 in our nation's capital. Our largest DC event ever, with 50 Stewards representing 31 different families in attendance.
Back by popular demand, we kicked off the Gathering on Sunday, December 8, with our second annual Advent Reflection entitled "She Leads Us to Jesus" led by our friends Bishop Joe Coffey of the Archdiocese for the Military and Father Dan Leary, a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington who works regularly with the Sisters of Mary, serving World Villages for Children at Girlstowns and Boystowns, primarily in Chalco, Mexico.
Father Dan provided some reflections on our Blessed Mother and then Bishop Joe and Father Dan prayed over those Stewards in attendance. It was a beautiful healing time together!
After Mass at St. Matthew’s Cathedral on Sunday evening, we held our third annual “Sunday Family Dinner” at Mastro’s Steakhouse. The Sunday evening dinner is a more intimate, relaxed event that features an informal review and discussion of Foundation news and events since our pilgrimage to Rome in April.
On Monday morning, December 9, we began with confessions and Mass at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception!
Following Mass, Stewards returned to The Willard for a luncheon and address from Author and Rwandan Genocide Survivor Immaculée Ilibagiza.
Following the luncheon, Trustees participated in various Board committee meetings while Foundation SVP Jim Coffey led an optional trip for Stewards to the Washington home of the Sisters of Life. The Monday dinner tribute to Cardinal Sean O’Malley was held in the beautiful Crystal Room at The Willard.
Tuesday morning began with Gospel Reflection and Mass! Following the Board of Trustees meeting, Stewards gathered at the Apostolic Nunciature for a reception and for a celebratory dinner featuring remarks from U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
It was an honor to have Justice Barrett speak to the stewards, and a blessing to be together right before Christmas and to celebrate so many good things happening with the Foundation.